Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Hillary's Big Bounce

I am happy to see Hillary bounce back. After flirting with Edwards and Obama, I'm now committed to being a Hillary delegate at next week's county Democratic convention. She won't win our state, but she'll win this delegate.

For sure, I fit the profile of her key supporters: white, female, over 65. However, I figure when a middle-aged, white, Mississippi Republican I just met who owns his own business says HE will vote for Hillary, then Sen. McCain and Sen. Obama had better watch out. Likely on our way to having the first woman president to occupy the White House.

To friends who support Sen. Obama, though, I say great. I am a fan. I would like to see him gain more experience, however. How about this: Hillary as president, Obama as vice president. Sounds like a Dream Team to me!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so proud to learn that you will be participating in the Hinds County Democratic convention. Way to go! If ever this party needed some "fresh blood" and an intelligent mind, they will have it in you. I really liked this particular post and your blog in general.
Best regards, "N'y Parker" on 3-6-8