Saturday, August 15, 2009

I'm Baaaack!

Hello, World. I'm back.

It's taken a while, but these raucous "town meetings" over health insurance reform have raised my ire. My dander is up bigtime. To wit:

Q: Who is so misinformed as to think the majority of Americans are stupid and can't see the difference between manipulated frenzy and honest debate?

A: The right-winged fringe, apparently, and their key leaders across the land: Sarah Palin, Charles Grassley (who knew??), Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck and Fox News cable crowd. A fine mix of flirting and farting, if ever the mix were defined!

Count me out--unless, that is, I can participate in the way Montanans managed to pull off in Belgrade, MT yesterday. The President's appearance there was a fine example of honest citizen inquiry and legitimate official reply. Let's have more of THAT and less of the screaming, hating and threatening crowds. They're dangerous to democracy, frankly.

1 comment:

Jon said...

The lunatic fringe is alive and well and their flames are easily fanned by Rush and cohorts. Just when I think Republicans have reached a new low, they surprise me with planted malcontents at these meetings. I almost wish the media would not cover these outbursts.