Sunday, November 16, 2008

Regaining Stride

To faithful readers, thanks for checking in and reminding me I haven't posted entries on NN&V's recently. I fancy the following as reasonable excuses:

Traveling to and from Maryland to be with friends, returning to Mississippi to campaign and vote in an historic presidential election with its surrounding local politics, adopting prayer as a "best practice" during a scary, working period of personal financial decisions, rehearsing with the Mississippi Chorus for holiday musicals and taking time with a Baltimore friend who came here for a five-day visit have kept me unusually busy during the last four weeks.

Look for posts to begin anew soon. Please stick with us as we try to find our stride again.

Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

Jon said...

Thanks for the update, NR. It is so good to see you back online again. Hope your prayers will be answered and that blessings will rain down upon you.

Jon on 11-18-09