Saturday, October 4, 2008


I am crazy about Ira Glass and "This American Life" on National Public Radio. Today's show dealt with the $840 billion debt we've all just been stuck with as taxpayers.

I daresay most of us still are trying to understand what happened and how we got there. Ira's show goes a long way toward answering our questions.

I recommend two broadcasts in particular: "Another Frightening Show About the Economy" (10/3/08) and "The Giant Pool of Money" (5/9/08), Both are archived at his website:

For my part, it's the clearest, most concise discussion of middle class consumer-taxpayer impacts yet. Check it out. You'll be glad you did.

1 comment:

Jon said...

Nancy Pelosi was the guest on the Charlie Rose show last night and her answers to his many questions "enlightened" me about how the "Rescue Bill" was rushed through Congress as a "break the glass" emergency. She seemed nervous and jittery in trying to answer certain questions and appeared to be holding back some information in her answers. That gave me even less confidence in the government's response to this mess. These are scary times for sure. Jon on 10-17-08