Wednesday, January 30, 2008

For the Birds

Each morning at breakfast, I keep a pair of binoculars handy to check out which feathered visitor is eating with, competing with, attacking or nuzzling which other one as I sit in the breakfast nook, sipping my coffee, munching my raisin toast and marveling at the ways of Nature.

"Nuzzling?" you ask. Yup, nuzzling. There's a pair of wrens that roost side-by-side, body-to-body, beneath the eave of the backporch at dusk when the weather is bad. Never see them otherwise. But...back to breakfast spying.

Today's gold medal sighting: two red-shouldered hawks flying high above the pines and circling, circling--as if an unwary mouse or two might be found and swooped down on, thanks to today's brisk air currents wrapped in sunny skies. Silver goes to two little nuthatches who took a ton of bark off the craggy river birch near the back door. Bronze? To the many bugs that tried but couldn't hide from the determined nuthatches. Check out Chris Smithers' "Origin of Species" at the bottom of the page to get his clever grip on why. Also, click the play button on the video clip below of Eva Cassidy's "Somewhere Over The Rainbow" and see and feel your spirit soar with the birds.

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